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Quick Start Guide

Below is a step-by-step guide to get up and running with PDFBolt's API quickly. You can also test the API instantly in Postman.

1️⃣ Sign Up and Get Your API Key

Start by signing up for an account. Once registered, you'll find your unique API key in the Admin Dashboard under the API Keys section. Every new user is automatically enrolled in our free plan, which provides 500 document conversions per month to explore PDFBolt’s features.

For more details on managing API keys, visit the Admin Dashboard API Keys section.

Quick API Testing with Postman 🚀

Click the button below to get started:

Run In Postman

2️⃣ Set Up Authorization

Securely access PDFBolt's API by including your unique API_KEY in the headers of your REST API requests:


3️⃣ Make Your First Request

Here’s an example of a simple curl request that converts a webpage into a PDF and saves it as example.pdf in your directory:

curl ''
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{
}' --output example.pdf

4️⃣ Quick Start for Your Favorite Language and Postman

Ready to get started? Choose your favorite language or tool and follow our tailored step‑by‑step guides to integrate PDFBolt with ease.