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Error Handling

When using the PDFBolt API, you may encounter various HTTP status codes indicating the outcomes of your requests. Understanding these codes can help you determine whether your request was successful or if there are issues that need to be addressed.

HTTP Status Codes

Below is a table of common HTTP status codes, their meanings, and recommended actions:

HTTP Status CodeerrorCodeMeaningRecommended Action
200nullThe request has succeeded, and the server has returned the requested data.
  • No action required.
  • You can proceed to use the returned data as intended.
400BAD_REQUESTThe server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
  • Check the errorMessage in the response.
  • Fix the issue accordingly based on the provided message.
400UNEXPECTED_ERRORAn unexpected error occurred during conversion.
  • Verify your request for correctness.
  • Refer to the documentation for guidance or contact us at
400URL_NOT_RESOLVEDCould not resolve the server name.
  • Verify the URL provided in the request.
400HTTP_RESPONSE_FAILUREReceived an unexpected HTTP status code from the server.
  • Verify that the requested URL or resource is correct and accessible.
  • Check the correctness of your authentication credentials, such as username and password, if required.
400INVALID_CREDENTIALSAuthentication credentials provided are invalid or missing.
  • Verify the username and password provided in the request.
400CUSTOM_S3_UPLOAD_ERRORFailed to upload the document to your custom S3 bucket.
  • Check the errorMessage for detailed information about the issue.
  • Regenerate a new pre-signed URL if needed.
  • Ensure the pre-signed URL has not expired. Consider setting a longer expiration time for future uploads.
400TARGET_CLOSEDThe target page became unavailable or was closed.
  • Verify the URL provided in the request.
  • Ensure the page remains accessible during the conversion process.
400NO_BROWSER_CONTEXTFailed to establish a connection with the browser.
  • Check your source and retry the request.
  • If the issue persists, contact us at
400PDF_PRINTING_FAILEDFailed to print PDF. The file may be too large or complex.
  • Reduce the size or complexity of the PDF.
  • Optimize images and other elements to simplify the document.
401UNAUTHORIZEDAuthorization is required and has failed or has not been provided.
  • Verify that the API key is correct.
  • Ensure that the API_KEY header is included in your request.
403FORBIDDENYou do not have permission to access the requested resource or action.
  • Refer to the details provided in the errorMessage for guidance.
  • Ensure your API key has the required permissions for this resource or action.
404NOT_FOUNDThe requested resource could not be found on the server.
  • Verify the endpoint URL for typos.
  • Refer to the API Endpoints for the correct URLs.
413PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGEThe request entity is larger than the server is able to process.
  • Reduce the size of your request payload to meet the allowed limits.
  • The maximum request size is 10MB.
413PDF_SIZE_TOO_LARGEThe generated PDF size exceeds the maximum allowed size.
  • Reduce the size or complexity of the content to generate a smaller PDF.
  • The maximum allowed size is 10MB.
429TOO_MANY_REQUESTSYou have exceeded the allowed number of requests per minute or concurrent requests.
500INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
  • Retry the request later.
  • If the issue persists, contact us with details of the request.
503SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEThe server is currently unable to handle the request due to temporary overload or maintenance.
  • Wait a few moments and retry the request.
  • Check the service Status Page for any ongoing maintenance.
504CONVERSION_TIMEOUTConversion process timed out.

Error Response Format

In the event of an error, the API will return a JSON-formatted response containing details about the issue.

The structure of the error response is as follows:

"timestamp": "2024-12-31T14:14:31Z",
"httpErrorCode": 400,
"errorMessage": "Authentication credentials provided are invalid or missing. Please check username and password, or contact us at"

Error Response Fields

Property NameTypeDescription
timestampstringThe date and time when the error occurred, in ISO 8601 format (UTC).
httpErrorCodenumberThe HTTP status code of the error.
errorCodestringRefer to errorCode values in the HTTP Status Codes table for all possible values.
errorMessagestringA descriptive message explaining the error.
  • Use the information provided in the errorMessage field to understand what went wrong and how to correct it.
  • If you are unable to resolve the issue, consider reaching out to the support team with the error details for further assistance.