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Conversion Parameters

Our API offers parameters for customizing HTML to PDF conversion. This section details each parameter, with examples, to help you tailor the output to your needs.

Input Parameters


Type: string

Required: No (mandatory only if url is not provided)

Details: Accepts Base64-encoded HTML content, allowing you to provide the HTML directly for generating a PDF.


"html": "PGh0bWw+Cjxib2R5Pgo8cD5UZXN0IHBhcmFncmFwaDwvcD4KPC9ib2R5Pgo8L2h0bWw+Cg=="

This example generates a PDF containing the text: “Test paragraph”.


Ensure your HTML content is properly encoded in Base64 format before passing it to this parameter. You can use online tools or libraries to perform the conversion.


Type: string

Required: No (mandatory only if html is not provided)

Details: Accepts any valid URL. This allows specifying the webpage to be converted to a PDF.


"url": ""

Page Parameters


Type: string

Required: No

Default Value: print

Details: Determines the media type for rendering the PDF.

Allowed Values:

screenGenerates a PDF using styles optimized for digital screens.
printGenerates a PDF using styles intended for print.


"url": "",
"emulateMediaType": "screen"


Type: boolean

Required: No

Default Value: true

Details: Determines whether JavaScript execution is enabled on the source page during PDF generation.

trueEnables JavaScript execution. Dynamic content, animations, and interactive elements are rendered accurately.
falseDisables JavaScript execution. Improves performance and reduces rendering time, but dynamic or interactive content may not render correctly.


"url": "",
"javaScriptEnabled": true


Type: object

Required: No

Details: Enables HTTP Basic Authentication by providing a username and password, allowing access to resources protected by authentication.

Property NameTypeDescription
usernamestringThe username for authentication. required
passwordstringThe password for authentication. required


"url": "",
"httpCredentials": {
"username": "john",
"password": "pa55w0rd"


Type: object

Required: No

Details: Defines the viewport dimensions for the page, specifying the width and height in pixels. Both width and height must be included in the viewportSize object and must be integers.

Property NameTypeDescription
widthnumberWidth of the viewport in pixels. required
heightnumberHeight of the viewport in pixels. required


"url": "",
"viewportSize": {
"width": 1280,
"height": 800


Type: boolean

Required: No

Default Value: false

Details: Enables or disables mobile device emulation, affecting how the page is rendered and interacted with.

trueSimulates a mobile device by respecting the meta viewport tag and enabling touch events.
falseDisables mobile emulation, rendering the page as it would appear on a desktop device.


"url": "",
"isMobile": true


Type: number

Required: No

Default Value: 1

Details: Defines the level of scaling applied to the webpage during rendering. A higher scale factor enhances the resolution, making text and images appear sharper in the generated PDF. The allowed values range from 1 to 4.


"url": "",
"deviceScaleFactor": 2

Using a higher deviceScaleFactor can increase the file size and slightly prolong the processing time for generating the PDF.


Type: object

Required: No

Details: Allows you to include additional custom HTTP headers in the request. You can specify up to 10 headers, but the order of the headers is not guaranteed.


"url": "",
"extraHTTPHeaders": {
"X-extra-header": "test1",
"X-extra-header2": "test2"


Type: Array<Object>

Required: No

Details: Specifies a list of cookies to include in the request. Each cookie must include the name, value, and either an url or a combination of both domain and path to define its scope. Optional properties are available for further customization. A maximum of 10 cookies can be added.

Property NameTypeDescription
namestringThe name of the cookie. required
valuestringThe value of the cookie. required
urlstringSpecifies the URL for which the cookie is valid. required if domain and path are not used
domainstringSpecifies the domain for which the cookie is valid. required if url is not used
pathstringThe URL path that must exist in the requested URL for the cookie to be sent. required with domain
expiresnumberExpiration date of the cookie in UNIX timestamp format. optional
httpOnlybooleanIndicates if the cookie is HTTP-only. optional
securebooleanIndicates if the cookie is secure. optional


"url": "",
"cookies": [
"name": "sessionId",
"value": "abc123",
"domain": "",
"path": "/"
"name": "userPreferences",
"value": "darkMode=true",
"url": "",
"expires": 1739641833,
"httpOnly": true,
"secure": true


Type: string

Required: No

Default Value: load

Details: Specifies the event that defines when the page is considered fully loaded during PDF generation. Select the value that best fits your page's content and loading behavior.

Allowed Values:

domcontentloadedCompletes when the DOMContentLoaded event fires, meaning the HTML document has been fully parsed.
loadCompletes when the load event fires, ensuring all resources such as images and scripts are loaded.
networkidleCompletes when there are no active network requests for at least 500 ms, indicating the page is stable.
commitCompletes as soon as a network response is received, and the document begins loading.


"url": "",
"waitUntil": "networkidle"


Type: string

Required: No

Details: Waits for a specified JavaScript function to execute and return true within the page’s context, ensuring that certain conditions are met before continuing.


"url": "",
"waitForFunction": "() => document.querySelector('.content-loaded') !== null"


Type: object

Required: No

Details: Waits for a specified selector to satisfy a given state, such as appearing, disappearing, becoming visible, or hidden in the DOM.

Property NameTypeDescription
selectorstringCSS selector to target an element. required
statestringState to wait for. Must be one of the allowed values. required

Allowed Values for state:

attachedWaits for the element to be present in the DOM.
detachedWaits for the element to not be present in the DOM.
visibleWaits for the element to have a non-empty bounding box and not have visibility: hidden. Elements with display: none are excluded.
hiddenWaits for the element to be either detached from the DOM, have an empty bounding box or visibility: hidden. Opposite of visible.


"url": "",
"waitForSelector": {
"selector": "#removable-element",
"state": "hidden"


Type: number

Required: No

Default Value: 30000

Details: Defines the maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the page to load or for specific conditions to be met. Acceptable range is between 0 and 60000 (1 minute). If the timeout is exceeded, the request will fail with a timeout error.


"url": "",
"timeout": 30000
Common Timeout Mistake

Note that the timeout value must be provided in milliseconds, not seconds. A common mistake is entering 30 instead of 30000 for a 30-second timeout. Ensure your value is within the valid range: 0 – 60000 ms.

Pdf Layout


Type: string

Required: No

Default Value: Letter

Details: Specifies the paper format for the generated PDF. If both format and custom dimensions: width or height are provided, the format parameter takes priority.

Allowed Values:

ValueSize in InchesSize in cmSize in Feet
Letter8.5in x 11in21.6cm x 27.9cm0.666ft x 0.917ft
Legal8.5in x 14in21.6cm x 35.6cm0.666ft x 1.167ft
Tabloid11in x 17in27.9cm x 43.2cm0.917ft x 1.417ft
Ledger17in x 11in43.2cm x 27.9cm1.417ft x 0.917ft
A033.1in x 46.8in84cm x 118.9cm2.757ft x 3.898ft
A123.4in x 33.1in59.4cm x 84cm1.948ft x 2.757ft
A216.54in x 23.4in42cm x 59.4cm1.377ft x 1.948ft
A311.7in x 16.54in29.7cm x 42cm0.974ft x 1.377ft
A48.27in x 11.7in21cm x 29.7cm0.689ft x 0.974ft
A55.83in x 8.27in14.8cm x 21cm0.485ft x 0.689ft
A64.13in x 5.83in10.5cm x 14.8cm0.344ft x 0.485ft


"url": "",
"format": "A4"


Type: boolean

Required: No

Default Value: false

Details: Defines the orientation of the generated PDF.

trueGenerates the PDF in landscape mode.
falseGenerates the PDF in portrait mode (default).


"url": "",
"landscape": true


Type: string | number

Required: No

Details: Defines the width of the page for the generated PDF. You can specify the width using different units.

Supported Units:

  • px – pixel
  • in – inch
  • cm – centimeter
  • mm – millimeter

If no unit is specified, the value is interpreted as pixels.


  • "width": 100 – sets the page width to 100 pixels.
  • "width": "100px" – sets the page width to 100 pixels.
  • "width": "10cm" – sets the page width to 10 centimeters.


"url": "",
"width": "15cm"


Type: string | number

Required: No

Details: Defines the height of the page for the generated PDF. For more information on supported units and examples, see width section.


"url": "",
"height": "800px"


Type: object

Required: No

Details: Specifies the page margins for the generated PDF. By default, no margins are applied. When using this parameter, at least one margin property (top, right, left, bottom) must be provided. An empty margin object is invalid and will have no effect. For more information on supported units, see width section.

Property NameTypeDescription
topstring | numberSpecifies the top margin.
rightstring | numberSpecifies the right margin.
leftstring | numberSpecifies the left margin.
bottomstring | numberSpecifies the bottom margin.


"url": "",
"margin": {
"top": "30px",
"right": "20px",
"left": "20px",
"bottom": "30px"


Type: string

Required: No

Details: Specifies the page ranges to include in the PDF. Accepts a comma-separated list of page ranges or individual pages, such as 1-3, 5, 8-11. If omitted, the PDF will include all pages by default.


"url": "",
"pageRanges": "1-7"


Type: boolean

Required: No

Default Value: false

Details: Specifies whether the PDF generation should prioritize the CSS @page size defined in the content.

trueThe PDF will use the dimensions specified in the @page CSS rule.
falseThe content will scale automatically to fit the page size set by width, height, or format.


"url": "",
"preferCssPageSize": true


Type: boolean

Required: No

Default Value: false

Details: Specifies whether the PDF should include background graphics like colors and images.

trueBackground graphics (e.g., colors, images) will be included in the PDF.
falseBackground graphics will be excluded, producing a simpler, more minimalistic PDF.


"url": "",
"printBackground": true


Type: number

Required: No

Default Value: 1

Details: Specifies the scaling factor for rendering the content in the generated PDF. The acceptable range for this parameter is between 0.1 and 2.


"url": "",
"scale": 1.5


Type: boolean

Required: No

Default Value: false

Details: Specifies whether to include a header and footer in the generated PDF. This parameter is meaningful only when used with the headerTemplate and/or footerTemplate parameters to define the content of the header and footer.

trueHeader and footer will be displayed on each page of the PDF.
falseNo header or footer will be included in the PDF.


"url": "",
"displayHeaderFooter": true


Type: string

Required: No

Details: Specifies the HTML template for the page header. The template must be a valid Base64-encoded HTML string with specific classes used to dynamically inject values during PDF generation.

The following classes are used to inject values into them:

dateFormatted date.
titleDocument title.
urlDocument location.
pageNumberCurrent page number.
totalPagesTotal number of pages in the document.


"url": "",
"displayHeaderFooter": true,
"headerTemplate": "PGRpdiBzdHlsZT0id2lkdGg6IDEwMCU7IHRleHQtYWxpZ246IGNlbnRlcjsgZm9udC1zaXplOiAxMHB4OyBjb2xvcjogZ3JheTsiPg0KICAgIDxzcGFuIGNsYXNzPSJ0aXRsZSI+PC9zcGFuPiB8IDxzcGFuIGNsYXNzPSJ1cmwiPjwvc3Bhbj4gfCA8c3BhbiBjbGFzcz0iZGF0ZSI+PC9zcGFuPg0KPC9kaXY+DQo=",
"margin": {
"top": "30px"

This example generates a PDF with the following header:

<div style="width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 10px; color: gray;">
<span class="title"></span> | <span class="url"></span> | <span class="date"></span>
  • Ensure that your HTML templates are valid Base64-encoded strings before using them.
  • Please note that <script> tags within templates are not executed.
Styling Tips
  • Apply Inline Styles: Use inline styles directly within your HTML templates, as CSS rules defined in the body do not affect headers or footers.
  • Adjust Margins: Modify the margin-top for headers and margin-bottom for footers to ensure visibility and avoid clipping.
  • Check Visibility: Verify font size, color, and background to make headers and footers clearly visible. Avoid using white text on a white background.


Type: string

Required: No

Details: Specifies the Base64-encoded HTML template for the page footer. Use the same conventions as the headerTemplate.


"url": "",
"displayHeaderFooter": true,
"footerTemplate": "PGRpdiBzdHlsZT0id2lkdGg6IDEwMCU7IHRleHQtYWxpZ246IGNlbnRlcjsgZm9udC1zaXplOiAxMnB4OyI+DQogICAgPHNwYW4gY2xhc3M9InBhZ2VOdW1iZXIiPjwvc3Bhbj4gb2YgPHNwYW4gY2xhc3M9InRvdGFsUGFnZXMiPjwvc3Bhbj4NCjwvZGl2Pg==",
"margin": {
"bottom": "40px"

This example generates a PDF with the footer:

<div style="width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 12px;">
<span class="pageNumber"></span> of <span class="totalPages"></span>